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感恩老师英语作文 篇1

The history and events of the past, standing in the campus life for six years, in the face of the teacher when stay together morning and night, infinite passion in boiling, heart have many words in the jump. Six years of study time is short, but it is beautiful and unforgettable.

Who is the awakening of our tender childishness, and gave us a full heart? Who holds our hand and guides us from the foot of knowledge to the endless summit? Who is that we become the eagle fly, fly to the blue sky? It's you, dear teacher! It's you, the hard gardener!

Ah, teacher! Remember the first step into the campus, crying to go home, my mother also accompanied me shed tears. You hugged me, and your kindly face and kindly eyes made my nervousness disappear. You gently stroked my head, for me to set a learning goal: study hard, make progress every day! Since then, the bell rings every day to the school bell, you are always with us. Class, you and we soar with &ndash in the knowledge of the blue sky; clouds are you to write the truth, the rain is spread your hope; after class, you travel with us to &ndash in the heart of the sea; the shell is your sincerity, your passion fish is &hellip …

Ah, teacher! Remember the first time you wear a red scarf, solemnly said to me: “ children, red scarf is a revolutionary martyrs with blood, the blood of revolutionary predecessors not in vain! ” your familiar and comfortable face makes me more confident: “ learn to be a man, learn to learn, and learn to innovate. &rdquo did you ever know? You are flying our ideal blue sky; you are the fertile soil of our dreams; it is you who wrote our future songs; you have shaped our souls. With the holy oath and the melody of the times, you go into the hearts of the children, sow the seeds of knowledge, and carry out the eternal faith!

Ah, teacher! Traces of wrinkles, witnessed your years of pay; strands of gray hair, witnessed your hard feeding; tablets tablets, listening to your eternal hope. In a short span of six years, we bid farewell to innocence, to a calm; take off childhood childishness, gained self-confidence; abandoned dependence; learned to choose; understand self-esteem, self-reliance, self-improvement. The teacher, I believe: “ hard work now no one knows, but everywhere students to know the world! ” we will fly to blue sky, leaving many white to express our heart inch grass.

感恩老师英语作文 篇2


Today is a special day. This grand festival is teacher's day, which is the 33rd teacher's day.


Our headmasters sent chocolates and flowers to our beloved teachers on Friday. In the afternoon, we wrote on the blackboard the words "teacher, you have worked hard" which moved the teachers very much.


Finally, we also gave some gifts to the teacher.

感恩老师英语作文 篇3

There is such a story, once upon a time in a large garden, there is a strong big banana, a tender little banana on its side, the big banana lose their body nutrients to the small banana body, make it thrive, while they slowly wither “ ” &hellip …

The big banana in the story reminds me of our teacher. They are not like &ldquo in the story; big banana ”?

Open the window of memory, and the act of the past is in front of us: that is what happens every day. After lunch, the students finally had more than 10 minutes to rest, because there was no teacher to take care of us at the moment, but the happy hour was always so short. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the teacher came again, gave us dictation, lectures, let us endorse, layout homework. &ldquo. Obviously, what's the teacher doing when it's time off?! ” a lot of students made a complaint. Of course, I am no exception, but I go home to my parents about it, they gave me a reprimand: “ the teachers sacrificed their rest time to give you a lecture, how are you intent to blame the teacher as the heart. Teachers are good for you, in order to let you know more, to learn more solid knowledge. You should understand the teacher, sympathize with the teacher, and study hard! &rdquo when I heard the words, I knew I was wrong.

Since then, I have more respect for teachers. They give us lectures, dictation, let us recite the text, all for our good, I hope we can learn. But we do not understand and understand them, it is really too sorry for their pay.

Here, I would like to thank our dear teacher, I would like to say to you: "teacher, you are laborious."! Dancing on the blackboard is your sweat, and the tip of your pen is flowing with your anticipation. You use your mother's loving hands to soothe your young soul and sow unselfish love. This is you, a people's teacher's wish! One inch white chalk dye your hair, a pictograph become your footsteps, you teach us knowledge, your care is like the genial drizzle. Dear teacher! You taught us the true meaning of beauty! Teacher, you gave us a life ruler, let us ourselves to measure every day; you gave us a model of behavior mirror, let us have learning example everywhere. We thank you, dear teacher.

Yes! A teacher's profession is sacred! A teacher's dedication does not pay off! The teacher's love for us is selfless!

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